• Добромир Кирилов Стоянов EM-Strasbourg business school, University of Strasbourg, France
  • Ина Николаева Станоева Висше училище по мениджмънт - Варна


Abstract: With the advent of cinema, television, internet (IT revolution) and the current complicated economic situation in the country, less Bulgarians spend their spare time attending theatre performances. This is especially true for the new coming generations that are expected to have a significant impact on the future of theatre art. The article aims to reveal the determinants of theatre attendance for the young Bulgarian audience, representing generations Y (born between 1980 and1991) and Z (born after 1991). Therefore, a stratified random sample of 384 spectators, aged between 14 and 32, is taken in the third biggest city in the country (Varna). The two generations were tested towards their preferences about price, genre, plot, actors, etc. There is a difference between them on their preferences about the price. Some recommendations for better marketing strategies and relations with the tourism industries are given.

Author Biographies

Добромир Кирилов Стоянов, EM-Strasbourg business school, University of Strasbourg, France
ас. д-р
Ина Николаева Станоева, Висше училище по мениджмънт - Варна
Ас. д-р


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How to Cite
Стоянов, Д., & Станоева, И. (2017). DETERMINANTS OF THEATRE ATTENDANCE: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GENERATIONS Y AND Z. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 12(1). Retrieved from[]=138