Role of Cybersecurity Management Explained by a Single Case Study. Cybersecurity as a Project Solution.

  • Nedko Georgiev Tagarev UNWE/DNRS
Keywords: management, cybersecurity, assets, case study, project


In this article is discussed the misunderstanding of the need of cybersecurity managers. The main role of managers is to align the security goals to business goals of the organisation. We can see this role by the change of assets of the information security and the assets of the organisation by a case study through the process analyses. This article proposes a solution with the implementation of project management. We have to look to the cybersecurity as a project, with its programs and packages. The products provided by this approach are management and technological products.


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2. L. J. Gitman et al., “The Role of Management,” in Introduction to Business, OpenStax Introduction to Business, 2018.
3. К. Пудин, “Мениджърски предизвикателства в сектора за сигурност и отбрана,” Военна академия „Г.С. Раковски”, Годишник, 2/2013, p. 219. K. Poudin, "Managerial Challenges in the Security and Defense Sector," GS Military Academy Rakovski ”, Annual, 2/2013, p. 219 Bulgarian language
How to Cite
Tagarev, N. (2022). Role of Cybersecurity Management Explained by a Single Case Study. Cybersecurity as a Project Solution. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 16. Retrieved from[]=232