Концептуално описание на алгоритъм за изграждане на индивидуализиран инвестиционен портфейл

  • Vasil Marchev
Keywords: individualized, concept, portfolio, fintech


Abstract: This paper considers a conceptual model of an individualized system for managing
individualized investment portfolios. The dynamic development of technologies creates an
opportunity for a fundamental change in the markets for investment products. An entirely new field
for investments appears, which is determined by the changed client's attitude. There is a completely
new type of clients who are looking for different products and avoid traditional investment
opportunities. There occurred a shortage of products that can provide a personalized solution
based on the individual characteristics of the individual investor. This paper presents the
methodological sequence of an algorithm for creating a product that covers the available investment
opportunities in the economy, comparing them with the individual characteristics and customers'
wishes. For the purposes of the aforementioned algorithm, a recommendation system has been
created, which covers all pre-selected parameters.


How to Cite
Marchev, V. (2021). Концептуално описание на алгоритъм за изграждане на индивидуализиран инвестиционен портфейл. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 14. Retrieved from https://vsim-journal.info/index.php?journal=vsim&page=article&op=view&path[]=243