Soft Skills Enhancement and Bulgarian National Policies: Achievements and Challenges

  • Diana Miteva University of Economics - Varna
  • Petar Petrov University of Economics - Varna
  • Kristana Ivanova University of Economics - Varna
Keywords: soft skills development; policies; students; employees


This paper provides focus on the national and business policies in Bulgaria targeting development of soft skills primarily in students and young employees. It aims to outline some specific challenges, underutilised opportunities and the need of new strategic policies formation and implementation in student/graduate soft skills development while taking into account current trends in the global, EU and national context.


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How to Cite
Miteva, D., Petrov, P., & Ivanova, K. (2022). Soft Skills Enhancement and Bulgarian National Policies: Achievements and Challenges. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 17. Retrieved from[]=280