• Stoyan Koev
Keywords: organizational culture, work values, dimensions of culture


People with their work, professional qualifications and personal qualities
are in the basis of achievement of organizational objectives. In the realisation of the work
goals there are a number of challenges, related to values and cultural diversity of the
individuals. The researches and attention to culture, and in particular to the value systems
and indicators, is exacerbated when the society and economy are in crisis.
Today, there is an increasing awareness of the individuals, which their prosperity
depend largely on the design and development to the shared values of the organization.
Culture is a key to the realization of the strategy of the organization. This article examines
work values in the organization. It is focused on the work values of the organization as a
important element of organizational culture.


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How to Cite
Koev, S. (2023). EXAMINATION OF WORK VALUES IN THE ORGANIZATION. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 7(7). Retrieved from https://vsim-journal.info/index.php?journal=vsim&page=article&op=view&path[]=440