Engineering approach with applications in retail and finance sectors

  • Alexander Efremov
Keywords: multivariable systems, identification, Kalman filtering, strategy optimization, economic engineering, finance, market.


In this paper is analyzed the tendency of expanding the field, where the engineering approach is successfully applied. The focus is on some nontechnical areas, where historically the approach is purely statistical. Some advantages of the usage of dynamic theory, system identification and even of some aspects of control theory during the strategy optimization processes are discussed. The main directions of the study from theoretical point of view are in the field of system identification and forecasting (in terms of Kalman Filtering). The applications, considered in more details are in the retail and finance sectors of industry.


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How to Cite
Efremov, A. (2017). Engineering approach with applications in retail and finance sectors. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 11(2). Retrieved from[]=70