Model For Strategy Of Technology New Ventures On Global Market

  • Сия Валентинова Цолова
Keywords: strategy, model, technology, new venture, entrepreneurship, innovation, startup, strategic management.


New technology ventures (technology startup companies) have an extreme importance in the highly developed innovation technological world. Indeed, the world of technology entrepreneurship is so quickly developing that research of the characteristics and reasons, what makes a company successful are of essential importance for the success and the modeling of a successful strategy for any company in this sphere. This article represents the results from a research, focused on the basic types of strategies for technology new ventures, their categorisation and method of strategy modeling and also presenting a model for strategy for an innovative technology new venture operating on a global new or emerging market.


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How to Cite
Цолова, С. (2017). Model For Strategy Of Technology New Ventures On Global Market. Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management, 12(1). Retrieved from[]=99